Monday, September 16, 2013

AA Summer Research and Brainstorming

Basic background information during early stages of summer work. The summer background information states the various uses of ROV's and a very basic and broad design brief for the team. 

Early design specifications listed on the page. Very rough early design specification and limits set.

Early ROV frame research conducted. Factors for the frame included amount of equipment on board and the shape of the craft. Stabile materials always boiled down to acrylic plastics, PVC plastics and aluminum. The major components of the ROV were also labeled along the picture. The major components included an umbilical cord, buoyancy tanks, propulsion systems, cameras and a mechanical arm. 14 July 2013

Early thoughts of the ROV frame were drawn. Majority of the sketches involved a block like frame with ballast and weights on opposite ends of the frame. The earliest brainstorming sketches featured a cube like frame constructed of aluminum piping and acrylic molding commonly used at home depot. The bottom of the ROV held a wire net that secured other equipment. 14 July 2013

Research on ROV buoyancy was conducted. Propulsion and ballast options were explored. These options included foam ballast, propellers, motors, weights, lead inserts and air ballast. what mattered for ballast and propulsion was the size, weight and position along the frame. The ballast in the picture was labeled and tagged. 23 July 2013

Beginning ideas and concepts for ROV buoyancy and fame. Swim noodles considered along with BB shots for ballast and weights. Washers and steel rods were also considered. 23 July 2013

Beginning ideas and some sketched concepts for the ROV frame shape and material. The sketch above depicts a cube like frame constructed of plastic physics kit pieces connected using diagonal plastic rods. 23 July 2013

ROV propulsion and movement considered in the above drawing. CO2 cartridges for propulsion were immediately ruled out due to the face that these cartridges simply did not provide enough forward thrust. Toy boat motors and DC motors in plastic casings presented the best candidates for propulsion systems. The above drawing shows a small DC motor inside an empty film canister. 23 July 2013

Brainstorming for ROV research. Shape severely limited by time, budget and materials available. Common shapes included the open box, an unorthodox hexagon, submarine shape and a rectangular prism. 10 August 2013

Brainstorming for the ROV shape depicted above. 

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