Thursday, December 12, 2013

AA Plan of Procedures

Plan of Procedures (SeaPerch ROV Frame and Propulsion System)
     The SeaPerch ROV frame and propulsion systems are not very complex to build and construct. The frame itself entirely consists of plastic PVC piping, holes will later be drilled into the piping to create an open system to allow water to fill the ROV frame. The frame itself consists of one inch diameter PVC while the ballast systems is constructed of two inch diameter PVC piping. The ballast PVC piping will be a closed system which is filled with air to provide positive buoyancy for the entire ROV. The PVC pipe running down the middle of the ROV is the mounting point for the mechanical arm while lights and/or cameras can e mounted along the frame.
     The propulsion systems are very simple to construct. An individual propulsion unit on the ROV is just a DC toy boat motor encased in wax and placed inside a film canister. The prop sticks out of the top of the film canister lid and the propeller is then placed onto the prop.

Materials List
PVC primer
16 oz
Priming PVC before glue application
PVC glue
16 oz
For gluing PVC together
Sealing wax
For waterproofing motors
Aluminum hose clamp
Securing ballast PVC pipes


Tools List
Tool Name
Mark measurements onto materials
Measuring lengths of PVC
Cutting PVC
Securing PVC while cutting
2mm drill bit
Drilling holes into PVC
Drilling holes into PVC
Bic grill lighter
For melting wax

Some parts or materials also require the use of tools and supplies to build or assemble them. The PVC piping for example needs to be measured and cut. The ballast pipes also need to be strapped to the rest of the ROV frame using the aluminum ties (S4). The wax (S3) also needs to be melted to waterproof the DC RC motors (P11).

Parts List
Item Number
PVC end cap
2” diameter
Placed on end of pipe
2” PVC pipe (ballast)
For ballast
1” PVC pipe (Horizontal Support)
For frame structure
PVC fitting
1” diameter
To hold frame together
PVC elbow
1” diameter
To hold frame together
1” PVC pipe (mounting point)
17” (TBD)
To mount mechanical arm
1” PVC pipe (side support)
To hold frame together
1” PVC pipe (side mounts)
To hold frame together
2mm shaft
Propeller for drive shaft
Film canister cap
35 mm canister
Cover for film canister
DC RC motor
3V motor
Provide propulsion to ROV
Film canister body
35 mm canister
Body for propulsion system

     The ROV frame and propulsion systems is constructed of materials listed above in the parts list. These parts are constructed of various materials that range from PVC piping, PVC end caps (P1), PVC fittings(P4) and elbows(P5), and various film canister parts and motors.
 Step 1: Cutting PVC Piping
1. Measure 15.25 inches along the 2" diameter PVC pipe and using the ruler (T2)
2. Mark 15.25 inches with the pencil (T1)
3. Repeat steps 1-2 to mark the two ballast pieces (P2)
4. Securely place the clamp (T4)onto the table
5. Place the ballast pipe (P2) into the clamp
6. Begin cutting the PVC pipe using the saw (T3) along the pencil marks
7. Set aside the ballast pieces (P2)
8. Measure 3 inches along the 1" PVC pipe using the ruler (T2)
9. Mark 3 inches along the pipe using the pencil (T1)
10. Repeat steps 8-9 eight more times to create eight drawn segments for the horizontal support (P3)
11. Measure 20 inches using a ruler (T2) past the last drawn hash mark, mark another straight dark line on the PVC pipe using a pencil (T1) to create the mounting point (P6)
12. Measure two inches using a ruler (T2) from the last drawn hash mark and mark another straight dark line on the PVC pipe using a pencil (T1) to draw a side support (P7)
13. Repeat step 12 four more times to create four drawn segments of (P7)
14. Measure 8 inches using a ruler (T2) from the last drawn hash mark and draw another straight dark line on the PVC pipe using a pencil (T1) to draw a side mount part (P8)
15. Repeat step 14 four more times to create four drawn side mount sections (P8)
16.  Place the PVC pipe into the clamp (T4) and begin cutting the PVC pipe using a saw (T3) along the lines closest to the clamp (T4)
17. After each segment is cut away, place the PVC further into the clamp to cut

Step 2: Assembling the PVC frame
1. Apply PVC primer (S1) onto the ends of the cut segments of the 2" PVC ballast (P2)
2. Apply the PVC glue (S2) onto the ends of the PVC ballast (P2)
3. Place the 2" diameter PVC end caps (P1)onto the ends of the PVC ballast (P2)
4. Set the ballast pipes (P2) aside and allow them to dry
5. Apply PVC primer (S1) onto the ends of the two horizontal support pipes (P3)
6. Apply PVC glue (S2) to the ends of the pipe (P3) and place the ends into the horizontal section of the PVC fitting (P4)
7. Place one end of the PVC elbow (P5) to an end of the horizontal support (P5)
8. Repeat steps 5-7 for the other end of the frame
9. Apply PVC primer (S1) onto the ends of the mounting point (P6)
10. Apply PVC glue (S2) to the ends of the mounting point pipe (P6)
11. Place the mounting point pipe (P6) into the remaining opening of the PVC fitting (P4)
12. Apply PVC primer (S1) then PVC glue (S2) to the ends of the side support pipes (P7)
13. Repeat step 12 for the three remaining side support pipes (P7)
14. Insert one end of each side support pipe (P7) into a PVC elbow (P5)
15.Apply PVC primer (S1) and then PVC glue (S2) to the ends of the side mount pipe (P8)
16. Place an end of the side mount pipe (P8) into one of the horizontal opening of a PVC fitting (P4)
17. Place the other end of the side mount pipe (P8) into another one of the horizontal openings of a PVC fitting (P4)
18. Repeat steps15-17 for the other side of the frame
19. Apply first PVC primer (S1) and then PVC glue (S2) to a side mount pipe (P8) 
20. Take a PVC elbow (P5) and place one onto the end of the side mount pipe (P8)
21. Take another PVC elbow (P5) and place onto the other end of the side mount pipe (P8)
22. Repeat steps 19-21 for the side of the frame
23. Apply first PVC primer (S1) and then PVC glue (S2) to the ends of the horizontal support (P3)
24. Place one end of the horizontal support pipe (P3) into a PVC elbow
25. Repeat steps 24 for the remaining horizontal support pipes (P3)
26. Connect the support structure for the ballast and the segment with two PVC fittings (P4)
27. Repeat step 27 for the other side
28. Connect this support structure to the rest of the ROV frame by placing it at a forty five degree angle away from the ROV frame
29. After letting the frame dry, use the drill (T5) to drill holes into PVC frame
30. Drill three sets of holes into the mounting point (P6) in the middle and first and last third of the pipe
31. Drill these holes along the top, bottom and sides
32. Drill similar holes along the frame and the top side mount (P8) pipes to allow air to escape when submerged

Step 3: Propulsion System
1. Drill a small 2 millimeter diameter hole through the film canister cap (P10) using the drill (T5)
2. Drill a small hole at the bottom of the film canister (P12) using the drill (T5)
3. Place the DC RC motor (P11) into the film canister
4. Pull the wires through the bottom of the hole at the bottom of the film canister (P12)
5. Make sure the drive shaft is able to fit through the hole in the film canister cap (P10)
6. Begin melting the wax (S3) into the film canister using the grill lighter (T6)
7. Stop filling the canister once the wax reaches the lip of the film canister (P12)
8. Put a dab of Vaseline over the drive shaft and through the cap (P10)
9. Place the propeller (P9) onto the drive shaft to secure the film canister cap (P10)
10. Repeat steps 1-9 to make three more propulsion systems
Step 4: Assembling the Frame and Propulsion Systems
1. Place two aluminum hose clamps (S4) onto the frame and secure the ballast pipes directly on top of the side support structures
2. Once placed properly, begin tightening the aluminum ties (S4)
3. Repeat steps 1-2 for the other ballast
4. Take one motor and one aluminum hose clamp (S4) and place it behind the support structure for the ballast one the frame
5. Tighten the aluminum hose clamp (S4)
6. Repeat steps 4-5 for the other motor and place it parallel on the other side of the frame
7. Place the other motor directly next to the side mount pipe (P8) centered toward the outside of the frame
8. Tighten the aluminum tie around the motor once placed
9. Repeat steps 7-8 for the other motor

Monday, December 2, 2013

AA MP2 Calendar

Marking Period 2 Calendar
Schedule Calendar: November 27
Plan of Procedures: December 2
Press Release: December 16
Construction: December 18
Formal Outline: January 15
Formal Progress Update: January 16
Presentation Reflection: January 20
Construction Final: January 20
Mentor Contacts: January 23